Whether you are trying to become familiar with the ammo in Escape from Tarkov or you simply want to familiarize yourself with maps, the loot and extraction points, playing in the offline mode is the way to go. In fact, this is the main recommendation for every new player. It may not be the main type of game, but learning Escape from Tarkov how to play offline will get you prepared for facing veterans.

How to play offline
So, what are the steps to go offline and get ready for bigger games?
First of all, you will need to select offline mode. You can do it from the main menu. Go to PMC – your top character, then click on next. You will find most of the settings there. You can choose your settings in this menu and choose a map– it could be Woods, Reserve or others. It might be a good idea to start with smaller and easier maps. While they are still difficult for a new player, they are much easier than the so-called intense maps.
Once you have chosen a map, click next. This is the step where you can enable offline mode. The setting is there – you just have to check it. When offline, there will be no other players. You will not be alone though – you will play against AI robots.

There are other settings you can check once in the menu – most of them are related to the gaming conditions. For example, you can choose the weather or the time. Find the option to check PvE, which allows you to play against bots – great for training. You may also go for the difficulty level, not to mention enabling or disabling bosses or Scav wars.
Tagged and cursed options are also available, but they do not really make a good idea for your training mode. If checked, this option allows you to attack an AI. Once you do it, the AI will go after you too. If you mind your own business, no one will really bother you – not such a good training mode, is it?
Pros and Cons of playing Escape from Tarkov offline
You will get into a raid with whatever equipment you have. No matter what you find in this raid, you cannot keep it. No matter how often you get killed, you will not lose anything. It is just about learning a map, discovering loot and becoming familiar with extraction areas.
You will not end up playing against more experienced players, yet the gameplay is identical.
If you feel like you have had enough or something comes up, you can quit an offline raid at any random time – there will be no penalties.
Bottom line, playing EFT offline represents a clever way to train and discover the secrets of this game. It is, indeed, quite complicated if you are just starting it, but a little practice will get you ready for some real confrontations. You can check out Shroud playing EFT offline below.