Escape from Tarkov is currently one of the most popular FPS games on the market. Released by the Battlestate Games studio, it is part of a larger collection of games that share similar features and scenarios. There are more maps you have to go through in order to complete the game and each of them comes with its own challenges.
The Interchange map is probably the most challenging one, followed closely by the Woods and Customs maps. There are plenty of things to loot, as well as crates, weapons, keys and so on. The entire action takes place in a massive mall spread over three stories. There are also three main stores in the game – Goshan, OLI and IDEA, not to mention the outside area, kart track, and garage.
While challenging at first, an Escape from Tarkov Interchange map guide will take you in the right direction.
Escape from Tarkov Interchange map guide

Exploring Goshan
Goshan is the largest store you can explore in the shopping mall. It is located on the western side of Ultra – the shopping mall name. You can find it on the ground floor. Simply go inside the mall through the main entrance and go straight = you cannot miss it.
Now, what can you find in there? As you get in, you will find lots of provisions on the shelves in front of you. You can find Tushonka, but also plenty of spawns. If you are after money, the cash registers will supply your thirst. There are 27 of them. There is one requirement though – you need a key to the Goshan cash register. You can find it in a white bus that blocks the road by the new gas station.
Both the store and the warehouse are rich in weapon boxes. This store makes the ideal location to “shop” for your favorite weapon. Do not forget the warehouse either. Plus, there are lots of rare items inside all the lockers, from Rolex watches to Bitcoin currency.
A few tech items can be found in the backside of the store – check the shelves for screwdrivers, batteries and others.
Discovering OLI
OLI is another big store where lots of players will rush for resources. Since the name clearly indicates the purpose of the shop – home improvement, you will obviously find lots of building materials to sort your hideout.
You do not really need an Escape from Tarkov Interchange map guide to locate it. Just like Goshan, OLI is located on the ground floor. Follow the map and head south – close to the Emercom checkpoint. So, what can you find in there?
First of all, you got loads of building materials, as well as heavy-duty equipment to use later on, from car batteries to hoses. Check out the cash registers too – not less than 18 of them. Clearly, they require a key. Just head over to the office for logistics – the western side of the store.
The main offices will also hide some PC blocks, but then again, some of them require keys. Keys can be found in the logistics office and the main office.
Raiding IDEA
The name clearly refers to a popular DIY furniture store, so you got it right – there is plenty of industrial hardware to find once in there. If you know where the power station is, you will have no problems finding the IDEA – the northern side of the ground floor.
On the inside, you will find lots of toolboxes to look into. There are plenty of industrial items you can use later. Again, cash registers are excellent for money – 20 of them. Get the key from a bus parked on the north side of the store – somewhere on a seat.
Rare spawns can also be looted from the shelves – such as Cat Statues or Lion, not to mention electronics and other similar items in the storage. The office is not to be overlooked either – tech items and PC blocks.
Once you are done with the three main stores, what else can you find inside the Ultra shopping mall?

Power Station
No Escape from Tarkov Interchange map guide can miss the power station – the right location for one of the possible extractions through a black vehicle. Head to the northeastern side of the map and you will find lots of small buildings to explore.
Some of the lootable items include toolboxes, spawns, jackets, PC blocks and electronics. Make sure you go inside each shack, office or building.
Generic is close to the main staircase on the southern side of the map – the ground floor. The abandoned store does not have too much to loot, but a Grenade spawn, a few weapon crates, jewelry, and a rare spawn – check the back of the store to find it.
Located in the central part and often patrolled by Killa Scav Boss, Mantis has a decent load of supplies and medication. You can find three bags in there, as well as medical supplies, a gold chain, a couple of jackets and a Duffle bag.
EMERCOM is another great place if you are in need of some medical supplies. Go to the new power station, find an ambulance and get the key inside it – otherwise, you cannot get in. The medical unit is located in the northern side of the mall. Emercom Checkpoint also serves as an extraction point in this map. Just head on to southeast direction and walk until you find barricading. Locate the truck and stand by it, extraction will begin.
What can you get in there? Lots of medical supplies, a jacket, a weapon crate and 3 Medbags – not a lot, but enough when in need of such items.
Find the southern escalator and you will be right next to ADIK. Located on the ground floor, the retail store has a good loot – a nice weapon box and a Duffle bag. You can also find three jackets around the store and lots of small bits here and there – armor spawns, a hat and a backpack.
KIBA could not miss from any Escape from Tarkov Interchange map guide. The weapon store is often the main arena for many fights – everyone wants a piece of its loot. You will need two keys to access it – one for the grate door (complete the Gunsmith 11 quest from the Mechanic or buy it) and another one for the actual store (head to Goshan and check a book behind a tent in the camping section).
Located in the central part of the mall, this shop has everything – fully kitted weapons (anything from handguns go M4A1s), weapon attachments and modifications, grenades, weapon cabinets for parts, a couple of cash registers, helmets and armors. Get ready to engage in a fight once in there.
Extraction points in the Interchange map
Unlike the solutions and tips offered for other maps, the Escape from Tarkov Interchange map guide will surprise you a little. The map is quite large, but despite most expectations, it only comes with a few extraction points – three, to be more specific.
One of these extraction points is exclusively for PMC players – the Power Station. However, it is not always open. Besides, it only allows four players through, so you might risk a lot to get there, only to realize that you cannot escape the map.
There are two other extraction points that both PMC and Scav players can use. One of them is the Emercom Checkpoint – formerly South East. It has no restrictions and can be used for free – always open. The same rule applies to the other extraction point, Railway Exfil – formerly North West.
Given the fact that players do not have too many options, there are situations when the actual extraction points are more active and intense than the central part of the map. There will be lots of players camping around them in the attempt to get some kills in and loot some gear.
Final words for the map
The bottom line, this Escape from Tarkov Interchange map guide should give you some hints about what to expect from the map. Knowing what you can find in there and where the keys are, you should have no problems planning your strategy to get ahead in the game.