The Factory is the smallest map in Escape from Tarkov. Along with the Customs map, it is considered to be one of the insane scenarios in the game. There can only be six players on this map. After all, it features a few different rooms and a lot of tunnels.

With all these, it does not necessarily mean that you are about to join a boring map. In fact, despite the size and the limited amount of players, this map is extremely fast paced. It is almost impossible to avoid fights and other players. Rooms are small and there is action literally everywhere.
This Escape from Tarkov Factory map guide will give you all the details you need to successfully make it to an extraction point.
Spawning areas
As a new player, you will spawn in six different places. You might face a different area, so make sure you turn around and look for specific clues. There is no other way to figure out where you are.
- Silo area – you will spawn in a crouched position. There are a few pipes in front of you, as well as a chem light. An exit is available as you look left.
- Death box area – you end up in an open area. If you look left, you will see some stairs. There are also a few crates in front of you. The position is quite vulnerable.
- Barrels – there is nothing in front of you, but a wall. As you look right, you will see some barrels. There is always a hallway as you turn around.
- Equipment area – there is a forklift in front of you, as well as other similar equipment around. Look right and head towards a glass hallway.
- Red light area – a red light is visible on your left. You are in an exposed position, so you have to move fast.
- PVE area – this is your spawning area when you play offline. You will only see a door in front of you. As you turn around, you will spot an exit and a ramp. Take the ramp.

Rooms and possible loot locations
There is decent loot in pretty much every room. This Escape from Tarkov Factory map guide will not detail every little thing though. It is worth noting that the map is relatively limited when compared to others. It is more suitable for PvP action, rather than loot. But then, it depends on what you actually need.
- Container room – located close to the showers, this room has some random loose loot, as well as weapon crates in exposed areas. Make sure you keep an eye on the surroundings. There are a few crates on the stairs too, while the blue container in the north side has an armor.
- Main hall – close to the containers and generators, this is the main room. Look behind the exit on the left for an armor. There is another one in a blue container by a staircase. The stripper area will also host a few different crates.
- Locker room – you will need the Factory Key to get in there. The room is located in the middle of the map, so there is quite some action around. The shelves by the door have a weapon. Look on the chair for a battery and a jacket. You might find some keys too.
- Forklift area – only accessible from the generators area, this room only features a few jackets and a key. They are all closed to the lockers.
- Generators – this is one of the top rooms, right under the office room. There are exposed weapon crates with no cover around and random loose loot.
- Office – get on the third level and there is no way to miss the office room. Get in and spot the desk, then look under it for a safe. There are a few jackets there too, while the far left corner has some cabinets with goodies inside. Jump on top of them for armor.
- Bathroom – this room has medical supplies by the lockers, as well as a couple of keys, ammo and a weapon.
- Breach area – there is not much in here, but some ammunition. Find it on the shelf.
- Pumping area – located on the ground level, the pumping station is poor in loot. You will get a few loose chemical supplies, such as bleach or a gas analyzer.
Extraction Points
There are three extraction areas in the Factory map. In fact, this is one of the easiest maps when it comes to getting out of it. Two of them are marked by huge exit doors, while the other one is in the tunnels. The extraction point in the tunnels is harder to find though.
Apart from the main extraction point, the others require the Factory Key. One of these extraction points is in the southwestern side of the map, by the gate. The other one is in the cellars – the northeastern side of the map.
Once you get the Factory Key, you can also use it to check out a locked room for loot. This room is in the middle side of the map. There are more rooms around there, but one of them requires the key.
Tips for a successful raid in factory map
There is a decent chance to get killed as soon as you enter a room. Camping is quite common in such enclosed maps. You will learn the best places, so you will be able to prevent such issues later on. You might as well get some flashbang grenades with you.
If you see five PMC bodies, you are thereby yourself, so you can loot like there is no tomorrow. Keep an eye for new players joining the raid though. There is also a good chance you will play against five player squads.
Spawns are close one to another. Do not loot right away, but get cover instead.
This should give you enough info on what to expect from the map. It might be a small map, but it is quite intense, yet a little attention can ensure a successful experience.