Batman is one of the handful of comic book characters who have the status of iconic heroes. With the sustained popularity of the Caped Crusader, the hero got a homely appellation. Obviously, this big success resulted in the hero being showcased in video games.
Undoubtedly, Batman has received different praises across its popular span of three decades. When it comes to video games, the Arkham series along with the initial releases made the public fall in love with Batman, as if there was no other brave hero for them.
Most Batman games have been admired, the credit of which goes to the thrilling actions, exciting storylines, and great features all of which results in an amusing experience. Nobody can deny the supremacy of the Arkham series in terms of fanbase and ratings.
However, this does not mean that it is all what Batman games have for you. Indeed, there are many games tagged to be the best. Specifying each of them in this single article is just too overwhelming. Chosen on the basis of popularity and excitement, here are the thrilling batman games in order of their release:
Batman – 1986
Batman made its debut through this 3D isometric game packed with adventure and action. Although made to run within the confinements of the gaming technology at that time, it is astonishing to see how the levels are packed with foes to avoid, regions to navigate, and battles to win.
Just forget today’s advancements for this game and you will truly admire it just like any other modern game. Proven to be successful in terms of many indicators including ratings, this game demanded the release of Robin, the standard helper in sorrow. For this, players had to roam the Batcave to look for the seven portions of the Bat hovercraft.

Today, playing it may seem like a basic trivia. However, in the 80s, it was certainly a cool experience. This becomes evident from the fact that it got two remakes, one for MS-DOS and the other for Game Boy Advance.
The Caped Crusader – 1988
The Batman makers decided to put the superhero into the battle for the second time, which resulted in this game. Interestingly, the Caped Crusader only had the hero in common with the former game. The rest is totally a different story.
The game with two storylines namely, A Bird in The Hand featuring the infamous Penguin foe and A Fate Worse than Death featuring The Joker, the law-breaking clown prince. The players were required to put these crimes away and perform some action-packed fights.
While you still get an adventurous thrill, this game was more focused on solving puzzles than fighting. Well, some fight sessions were included to prevent boredom. Due to the onset of the new consoles, the makers dropped the standard isometric design idea and used the Special FX software to introduce new and more colorful graphics.
Revenge of the Joker – 1992
Players loved to be the savior here! They first found that the hero is put into an objectionable situation. After running away from Arkham once more, the arch-nemesis is then found to be intriguing to make missiles for killing the people of Gotham.
Thus, the players were given the responsibility of saving the people and putting the infamous offender behind the bars while being motivated by the local police.
The game featured different levels packed with a myriad of Joker’s attackers to defeat for reaching the next level. The players firmly relied on the utility belt packed with many projectiles as well as batarangs. Even today, you can experience a 2D nostalgia filled with amusement.
The Adventures of Batman and Robin – 1994
This is the animated game that remains the favorite of many players even today. It is actually not a single game meant for a single platform. Different versions were released for the Super NES, Genesis, Game Gear, and Sega CD.
The Super NES version came with action-packed adventure split across several levels, each culminating in a boss battle. You can reach the Batcave to access the stored clever gadgets such as batarangs and x-ray lenses.

On the other hand, the Genesis version retaining the same premise included an addictive mode of two players and control of hovering Batwings. The Game Gear version, as the lite Genesis version, featured a striking Mega Drive power. The Sega CD version was similar to an interactive movie with some driving segments.
Only the Super NES version is worth playing, as other versions lacked great graphics, had difficult spikes, and not-so-responsive controls.
Chaos in Gotham – 2001
This game was much like fresh air after the release of some pale versions. Paying reverence to the actions of the 80s and 90s, Chaos in Gotham featured a great story along with impressive engagements, great controls, and challenging difficulty. This was enough to allure the hardest of admirers.
The game marked the comeback of several iconic anti-heroes including Poison Ivy and Bane. At the same time, the players also enjoyed the assistance of brave members of the Bat family such as Batgirl, Alfred Pennyworth, and Commissioner Gordon.
To these features, add some levels of Batcycle driving similar to the Road Rage and you will enjoy a small action-packed punch even today.
Vengeance – 2001-2002
This was the time when the sixth generation consoles were launched, such as PS 2 and Xbox. Vengeance was geared for them with redeemed Batman look. Occurring in the middle of Animated Series and New Batman Adventures, the storyline is split into five stages, each with an individual episode focusing on a familiar anti-hero.
Knocking evil henchmen to the ground disabled them for some seconds. However, this is also the time to handcuff them and remove them forever. The in-game handcuff ploy is truly cool.

In short, here, the title Vengeance represents efforts to undo the sins of the past and fix whatever is possible.
Rise of Sin Tzu – 2003
This game is for those who wish to fight with more challenging foes. Revolving around the aspect of combat, the play featured different sections. On the completion of each, the players can take bonuses, upgrade their skills, and earn different moving capabilities.
If this seems like a pure combat treat, try inviting a friend with whom you can fulfill your quest to overthrow the supernatural Sin Tzu!
Batman Begins – 2005
This game was introduced with the story of the Batman Begins movie and the focus on a few distinct aspects of the superman, which remained untouched. These aspects were stealth and fear. The thrilling battle seemed quite modest but beneath it was a hidden play that generously rewarded for remaining stealthy and silent.\

The foes questioned the player’s humanity. There is also a story of how a ghost makes a group disappear. The players loved the impressive graphics reflecting a dark environment of a nasty adventure.
Arkham Asylum – 2009
No Batman fan can forget this masterpiece with maximum rewards! It was the one that gave the best Batman play experience that has no match even today. The cartoonish pictures of the Caped Crusader may be charming but this was felt as the real treat.
The storyline occurs in Arkham, a resource away from the shore of Gotham City for sheltering the mentally unstable and wickedly insane characters who were dying. The arch-nemesis, Joker, tries to detain the hero in Arkham. Seeking any external aid or escaping resulted in several explosives across the town.
Due to the inevitable condition, the darkness of Arkham Asylum was to be faced all alone. However, luckily, the rich playboy came to the rescue with some effective gadgets, ranging right from the guns to different batarangs.
An important novelty introduced in this title was the refurbished combat system resulting in smoother conflicts. The superb brawler, Batman, could even test his investigating skills with a novel vision. The players enjoyed more control in tracking foes and solving puzzles through the more detailed surroundings.
Herein, the game revealed detailed information and useful hints apart from estimating precisely how many foes are familiar with your presence. This utility itself brought a novel dynamism and a wanted upgrade to the Batman Begins’ restricted stealth mechanism.
Arkham City – 2011
As the name indicates, this was introduced as a sequel to the Arkham Asylum after almost a year. In this story-led play, the Arkham Asylums warden as the Gotham’s mayor placed all the foes in an exclusive area of Gotham. This area is what we know as the Arkham City, the main hub of the game’s events.
Quincy Sharp had swiftly ascended from the post of asylum’s director to the mayor. Once his term began, Quincy quickly announced both Blackgate and Arkham as inappropriate to hold the detainees due to which they are moved to a closed area. Can you guess the hero who too was locked here?

This astonishing sequel has redefined the physics and combat mechanism such that the whole gaming experience is uplifted. One of the amazing features attributed to this change is the counter attack, an ability to utilize any tool using a hotkey and attacking several enemies at once.
Thus, players not only had more foes but also more gadgets, missions, as well as fun. Even today, several enemies including the old bosses such as the Penguin and Mr. Freeze keep you amused. A few feature staggering rods; whereas, others carry shields. The challenge still remains: Tackling each of them uniquely.
The LEGO Batman – 2014
This video game targeted a variety of gaming consoles, ranging right from PS 2 to Nintendo 3DS and Xbox 360. The first version introduced in 2008 had featured the LEGO environment of the DC Comics arena.
The 2014’s version, being the latest one, extended the premise by including more characters, better graphics, licensed music, and voice acting. Players enjoyed going through more LEGO-building skills.
Today, if you choose to play alone, it will take no time to feel dull and boring. This will be evident after playing on some levels. Luckily, to overcome this, just ask your best pal to accompany you and bring about a dynamic difference.
Yes, you can easily enjoy the 2-player mode and get a thrilling experience, as the gamers are motivated to help each other in planning and coordinating roles during fights, opening doors, and cracking puzzles. Go for this game if you want to play something peculiar and amiable.
The Telltale Series – 2016
This Batman game differs from the Arkham series. Spanning across five spells, this rejuvenating gameplay facilitated an alternate take on the Gotham realm in a point-and-click way. From the first spell itself that is free to play, a real experience of any Telltale game is felt.
Telltale was introduced to make the gamer aware of the repercussions of their actions. We all know that there is a reaction following every action. This is exactly followed here. However, the decision to choose the course was left to the player.

Initially, the players would have to take decisions that were not as big or critical as others. However, the conflict arose when it comes to what to select or what Bruce Wayne shall do.
The story orbits around the Gotham’s mayor. Two characters were mainly used to induce tension. Though a Bruce Wayne tale, it was common to spot his passionate uneasiness while featuring the Batman. Interestingly, the hero was destined to take several looks for solving puzzles. Thus, players had to face some significant load for taking the most beneficial decisions.
These Batman games in order are enjoyable even today. If you are a staunch aficionado of the Caped Crusader, none of these games will disappoint you even though the graphics may seem a bit low as compared to the current technology.
Starring your beloved comics’ champion, these games would even attract those who are not a big fan of Batman. So, which one would you play first? You must have decided until now. So, do share with us here.